How Our Service Works
When you call, we will arrange a visit to your home shortly before you leave. This is so we can meet you and your pets, get detailed information about caring for them and pick up a key for access to them.
During this visit, you decide how often you want us to visit each day you are away and what services you want performed. Fees are based on the amount of time spent, the distance traveled, and the number of visits per day. See the FAQ for more information.
Your pets will:
- Stay in a secure, familiar environment
- Follow their customary routine and diet
- Avoid exposure to illness from other animals
- Receive loving individual attention
You can leave home with peace of mind knowing that you’ve left your home and pet in our good hands.
While you’re away, we will:
- Feed and water your pets
- Exercise them
- Give medicine, vitamins, and other special care
- Get medical treatment in case of illness
While taking care of your pets, we can water your plants and make your home look “lived-in” by bringing in mail or newspapers, taking trash to curb and adjusting drapes/lights.
After you return, we will return your key, pick up payment, and make sure you and your pet are satisfied.
Even if you are not leaving home, there may be an instance where we can be of service. Unusual working hours or lengthy illnesses may make it difficult to properly care for your pet. Please call to discuss how we may help.